I just wish I could show them, make them Understand. there’s so much disconnection in this world. on the one hand, people are closer together than they’ve ever been and yet on the other we’ve never been further apart.
if you knew pouring chemicals into a river killed entirely communities downstream, but it made you loads of cash, would you stop. what if that community housed your family, your mother or son? would you then think twice.
I used to think independence was the highest echelon of virtues. I still hold it as pivotal to my own development. but there is a certain point when that independence must be made use of, lest it linger about, imagining itself on an island free of consequences & relationship with the rest of the world.
I know this kid who likes to play chess. he’s very good. but he rolls up into a public chess domain and makes it his goal to whoop everyone as fast as he can. and he does, and he succeeds. some games are finished in a flash, just a few minutes.
he says that’s why he’s there, to pummel people. that’s what he enjoys, that’s what he finds fun. but if you were playing chess against one of your own, if you felt a kinship, say your son or daughter, you’d not be interested in pummeling them so much as assisting in their growth. “the rising tide raises all ships.”
but that’s the issue. for a multitude of reasons no one feels kinship with anyone anymore save a select few. globalization. and if they do, they’re brought together through divisive means, through hate and intolerance. where have all the ‘good guys’ gone?
I just think if people could step outside of themselves a bit more, there might be more prosperity. if they could physically see the effects of their actions on another, to feel the real world implications, I think people would be a lot more careful. I just wish there was some way to make people Understand..
~Roger Dabbit