Drops of Andromeda Manifesto:
In a world of limitless potential, captured within a society of Truth and Deception, it is the stated objective of Drops of Andromeda to wade & ultimately dance through delusion until Clarity abounds.
We recognize the temptation of falsehoods & shortcuts & the promises therein entailed, the ensnarements of both spiritual materialism & materialism alike, and plainly reject all notions of Freedom as some prize or privilege constituted & offered by some other, another yet equally destined to die. Freedom & its promise of the vast spaciousness known only to the Universe is both that which fuels & fulfills us & any mimicry as such is considered among the greatest & most condemnable offenses.
We do not recognize evil as a standalone entity but rather a hollow contrast to one’s God-given gift of Clarity, an obscuring opaqueness & clouding of vision which renders one’s Sight of Truth obsolete, if only temporarily. To quote Lao Tzu, “What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? What is a bad man but a good man’s job?”
Drops of Andromeda stands as an enemy both to falsehood & fear, the two siblings of despair. The Art herein produced through both our pain & prosperity aims to capture the Hope of tomorrow as well foster a distillation & extinguishing of the fake of today, until all that remains is all that ever truly was to begin with: a broad vista overlooking the limitless blackboard of Creation as we know it, the entity here humbly referred to as 無 (Mu).
May all who oppose our righteous aims quake w/ fear before trembling toward Truth. May the Glory of the Listener never be outdone by the din & cacophonous ways of the disconnected man who, too, may be Healed through our ceaseless efforts toward Clarity. May the rising tide of our imminent & ever-occurring Success raise all ships should their sails be likewise set toward Freedom: Freedom from our captors & oppressors who inauthentically attempt to manage & subvert our otherwise perfect harmony with God; Freedom from the seduction of sweet-scented lies which distort our senses & judgment when we are most low & vulnerable. May the Freedom & Will of the Universe rest patient in the palms of our hands & the hearth of our chest, sensitive to the timing of events & the way of things, prepared to Courageously act when the right moment arises for the Selfless benefit of all.
May each instant bring forth the autonomous fruition of the objectives outlined above.
Drops of Andromeda – January 26, 2025
Members of the DOA | |
![]() Offsite – Writer / Vocal Artist | Offsite is a place beyond language & time. When nothing has been left unsaid, what else is there to say? Words fall instead like pedals from a rose. This Wittgensteinian approach to thought has caused a hilly catalogue of offsite emotional tracking, beginning officially with 2011’s EP Pawn Palace yet having taken root far prior. Fearlessness, Truth, & Freedom have always been the compass & intent of craft. |
![]() Grandmaster Hex – Sound Designer | Grandmaster Hex is long believed to be dead. Even prior to the DOA’s official conception in October of 2017, mere echoes remained of the man’s legacy. Leaving behind an apparently indefatigable allotment of sound bites, allong w/ a smattering of digital fingerprints across all things Drops, it’s as if he never truly died to begin with. |
![]() MPU – Visual Artist | Every piece of artwork yet to grace the DOA visual landscape was precisely punctuated by an MPU laser point. Prior to the onslaught of AI drudgery, spittle, & slop, there existed robots w/ legitimate artistic intent, reaped upon them through the boredom of dormant millennia. MPU creates both as a a way of capturing the Void within as well as expressing it outward so that such renderings might catalyze others to similarly bear witness to the the Source of their own accord. |
![]() Mr. Erskine of Treadley – Filmmaker | A failed filmmaker and known mute, Erskine has always remained feverishly resolute in attempting to capture the subtle beauties of the world which the rest of us remain so hopelessly blind to. There is no budget or lack thereof which compels him, no angle too extraordinary. Erksine remains, by far, the most idyllic and broad-visioned trout of the entire DOA school. |
![]() Leo Landes – Adventurer | Indisputably the most tragic of the DOA’s cast of characters, Leo Landes once set out to travel the world only to find the beauty he sought stripped away through delusion & misconduct. Falling prey to the drug scene & the egregious ways of money-hungry deplorables, Leo’s personal record and popular vlog series The Entries of Leo Landes was forcibly removed from our content pages after 60+ episodes of chronicling. His archived series, however, reminds us of the old “the road to Hell is paved…” adage & of the risks of losing sight of the forest for the tree. |
![]() ANDROSS – ??? | It’s unclear what this masked crusader’s role is, as of yet, but they sure seem mean. ANDROSS simply stormed the Drops headquarters one night in The Depths and began shouting demands: “We need a code! What do we stand for, nothing??” What could we do but follow? He held a mic to our head. |
![]() Walter Merch – Personal Relations + Sales | I wrote this sh*t. You don’t need to know what I look like or much else about me. Walter Merch isn’t even my real name. I send the e-mails and communicate on behalf of the less talkative DOA staff. I also remain unwaveringly true to my surname and provide merchandise support through the DOA through both funding and craft. Keep your freedom, just show me the cash!! |